Did you know that our local Food Bank and Soup Kitchen each operate with just one full time staff member and a team of dedicated volunteers. That our local Thrift Stores generate income to support all our community services. Our need for volunteers is year-round, EACH DAY, between the Food Bank, Soup Kitchen and Thrift Stores we need between 35-45 Volunteers!

If you have the desire to serve your community we would love to hear from you.  We are always looking for new volunteers to join the team.  One day a week, a month, or when you have the free time. Sign up using the Volunteer Tab, or call the office at 250-586-6250. 

At the Food Bank, we feed around 700-740 people, each year, 345 which are families. In December that number will rise to at least 1200! We do offer emergency hampers, but more importantly, those in need can come in once a month and “shop” for the goods that they want to feed themselves and their families. This is different from most food banks, where clients are simply given a box of food, regardless of their preferences. Our Food Bank offers not only canned goods, but also meat, produce, dairy and bread, and some basic household necessities. This model allows people to have their needs met with respect and dignity and goes back to the original premise of “Soup, Soap and Salvation”.

A lot of the food served at the Soup Kitchen comes through the Food Bank where they use the items to make the delicious meals we serve. We also send food to the Community Lunch held at St. Stephen’s United Church in Qualicum on Thursdays. Extra food goes Ballenas Secondary for their student lunch program.

The Soup Kitchen is the other most visible part of our Ministry. Last year we served nearly 15,000 meals! Yes, it is a service we provide for homeless people, but it is so much more than that. The Soup Kitchen is a place of community where people come to fill their bellies, and seniors who have no relatives or social contact come to chat and socialize. It is an amazing and diverse group of people who come for lunch 4 days a week all year round. For some people the Soup Kitchen is their most important point of connection.
We have two Thrift Stores in our area, run by hard working staff and volunteers.  Donated items are recycled and sold, with proceeds supporting the services we offer. This also allows people to find affordable clothing, furniture and household items they may not have been able to find elsewhere. 

Every one of these programs and services requires volunteers. And lots of them! There is a wide variety of tasks that need to be done each day, from sorting donations, to running a cash register; serving food and dicing carrots; and washing dishes or being a smiling face. Our volunteers do it all. There are only a few paid staff in our Ministry, so we rely on people like you to make the magic happen
Remember that when you contribute your time, enthusiasm and skills, you have the opportunity to change someone’s life- and who knows, maybe it will change your life most of all!

To summarize, we are looking for volunteers to help us in the Food Bank, the Soup Kitchen, Thrift Stores. Plus there is a need for a few hundred volunteers during the Christmas season. 
Have a look under our Volunteer tab here to sign up or for more information.